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- Configuring JBoss 3.0.x
- Configuring WebLogic 7.x
- Configuring Orion 2.x
- Configuring Tomcat 4.x
- Running xPetstore
This page shows a couple of statistics for comparing both implementations.
Those statistics have been captures only for .java files, which IMHO
are the best indicators of the application complexity.
The different statistics are:
Number of Files
The following diagrams shows the number of files for both implementations.
- Business represents the number of files for the business tiers (domain and service classes)
- Web represents the number of files at the web tiers.
- xDoclet reprensent the number of files generated by xDoclet on both Business and Web tiers
Number of Line of Code
The following diagrams shows the number of line of code (LOC) for both implementations (excluding comments).
- Business represents the number of LOC for the business tiers (domain and service classes)
- Web represents the number of LOC at the web tiers.
- xDoclet reprensent the number of LOC generated by xDoclet on both Business and Web tiers
To make the comparison fair, both implementation have been formatted with
Jalopy code formatter using the same formatting rules.