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- xPetstore-EJB
- xPetstore-Servlet
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- Configuring JBoss 3.0.x
- Configuring WebLogic 7.x
- Configuring Orion 2.x
- Configuring Tomcat 4.x
- Running xPetstore
xPetstore is a re-implementation of Sun Microsystem
PetStore based on
This demo application demonstrate how to use open source frameworks to build
WODRA (Write Once, Deploy and Run Anywhere) J2EE applications.
xPetstore has been implemented using 2 differents approaches:
Both solutions have been deployed and tested on the following platforms:
- Operating System:
- Application Servers:
- Databases:
With xPetstore, you will learn how to use xDoclet to:
- Generate EJB 2.0 files:
- Home and Business interfaces (local and remotes)
- ejb-jar.xml
- Application server specific deployment descriptors
- Value Objects classes
- Use J2EE 1.3 features like CMP 2.0 and CMR
- Generate web deployment descriptors for:
- Servlets
- Web Filters
- JSP Taglibs
- Generate Struts deployement descriptors
- Generate Webwork deployment descriptor
- Use other web template technology like Velocity
- Use Hibernate as persistence layer
- Use xDoclet merge points to add extra stuff
- Test J2EE application using JUnitEE framework